Can I be your mentor?

pexels-photo-66363The #1 thing that has helped me become a successful trader over the past 6 years has been learning from people a few steps further down the road than I was.

Over the years, I’ve been extremely fortunate to have met several traders along the way that have helped coach me in everything from stock selection, to market timing and chart analysis, to portfolio management and everything in between.  It was through their help and guidance that I was not only able to become a successful trader myself, but that I was able to assemble and provide help to others.  Now I have decided to take that a step further and begin offering mentoring services.  

Remember 7th grade?

You know that annoying kid in middle school who always raised his hand and asked questions when everyone else just wanted to get out of class?

It’s annoying in 7th grade, but it’s THE DIFFERENCE when you are starting to trade and invest in stocks.

The problem is it can be impossible to find someone to take you under their wing and mentor you. To guide you. To slap you in the face and say “NO! That’s a dumb idea. Do this instead”

…that’s what I’m here for. 🙂

The Mentorship Program

For a limited time I am opening up ONLY 5 spots for the program. And because we are going to be working closely together, I need the RIGHT people – so you have to apply to be accepted to the program (more on that in a minute).

What does it include?

(1) 60-minute one-on-one Skype call once per month. During this call we go over every pain point in your trading and engineer an exact action plan for you to follow. At the end of the call you will have 2-3 homework items that are scheduled out before our next call.

Weekly Check-ins: Once a week I check in on you via email. During our Skype call due dates are set for your homework items and every Friday I checkup to see if you’ve hit any roadblocks or if any new issues have arisen.

Reasonable Voxer Access: Voxer is a walkie-talkie App that will allow us to communicate as issues arise throughout the month. I process email relatively quickly (typically within 48 hours max), but this will allow you to get an answer from me a LOT quicker on any issues you are having. Check out this video to see how it works:


How much does it cost? 

Currently the rates are $299/month, but will likely be rising in the future.

Just fill out the form below to submit an application.

Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll email you back within 48-hours to let you know if you’re a good fit for the program.

[contact-form-7 id=”33269″ title=”Mentor”]