7-Week Rally Under Pressure

Stocks tanked on Friday after several high profile companies released their Q1 results and the SEC charged Goldman Sachs with fraud. Our primary concern before the SEC/GS news was released was the ominous action in shares of GOOG, ISRG and BAC after releasing their Q1 results. Longstanding readers of this column know how much we focus on how the market reacts to the news, not just the news itself. That said, the fact that these leaders reacted poorly to bullish quarterly results suggests that the much anticpated pullback may have begun. Then the SEC/GS news broke, which was the proverbial icing on the cake. At this point, the major averages have been steadily rallying since early February and a pullback of some sort should be expected. Since the March 1, 2010 follow-through day there have been 6 distribution days on the S&P 500 which is more than enough to put pressure on this 7-week rally. Trade accordingly.