Stocks Snap A 4 Week Losing Streak- 2.12.10

Friday, February 12, 2010 Market Commentary: The major averages snapped a four week losing streak after the EU said it will help Greece with its ballooning budget deficits. Stocks closed lower on Monday after concern spread that several European countries may default on their debt. Greece, Spain and Portugal are the three primary suspects for the latest sovereign debt crisis.  Monday- Friday Review:

Stocks Rally On Day 5 Of A New Rally Attempt

Looking at the market, as long as last Friday’s lows are not breached, the window is now open for a new follow-through day (FTD) to emerge. A new follow-through day will be confirmed when one of the major averages rallies at least +1.7% on higher volume than the prior session as a new batch of leaders breakout of sound bases. However, if last Friday’s lows are breached then the day count will be reset and a steeper correction may unfold.